Bob's Beer Mats

Welcome to my world

←Click on the links (text only, I couldn't get the thumbnails to act as links) to go to the individual pages (alphabetized for the most part but with some exceptions).

I'm just trying to come up with a way to show my beer mat collection to my family and friends. After all, they're the ones who went out and collected most of them for me. I won't list everyone who contributed because I'm sure that I would inadvertantly omit someone important, but special thanks go out to a few individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice of ordering a beer in a far-away exotic place just to score a beer mat to bring back for me:

Rick Baker

Gary Prescott

Phil Beckett

Pete & Billie Herzer

Robert Graves

Dan Collins

Jeff Wodrich

Thank you! There is no way that my liver would allow me to come close to collecting all of these without your help.

For the uninitiated, these aren't just pretty pictures of beer mats that I found on the internet. No, these are images from scanned mats that I have. Just ask my wife - they're strewn everywhere around my house!

For the most part, the way I've tried to display them is that, if the mat has something on both sides, I have displayed medium-sized images side by side. If there is only something on one side of the mat, I have displayed the image somewhat larger. Of course, you'll see that there are some exceptions to these "rules".

If you have comments or suggestions on how to make this site better (or if you have mats that you want to donate to my collection ;-)), please feel free to e-mail me at

Now go check out my mats ... enjoy!

Beer Mats Br-Bu