
Beer Mats F

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Fat Tire: Amber ale from the New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, CO

Faultline Brewing Company: A restaurant and brewery in Sunnyvale, CA

Felinfoel: A brewery in 'Felinfoel', a small village adjoining Llanelli, Wales

Festibière de Chambly: Annual beer festival in Chambly, Quebec

The Fidelaeum: A bakery in Wangen, Germany

Flying Bison Brewing Company: A twenty barrel microbrewery located in Buffalo, New York

Fondi: A chain of 3 pizzerias in the Seattle/Tacoma area

Foster's Lager is the largest selling Australian beer brand in the world

Four Peaks Brewing Company: A brewery and restaurant in Tempe, AZ

Frankenheim Alt: Düsseldorf, Germany

Franziskaner: Top fermentation wheat beers brewed in Munich, Germany

Frontenac: Brewed by McAuslan Breweries in Quebec, Canada

Fuller's ESB: Strong ale brewed at the Griffin Brewery, Chiswick, London

(The Beer Geeks is a "club" based out of Stephanie's Sports Bar located in Doylestown, PA)

Home A Ba-Be Bi-Bl Bo Br-Bu Ca-Ch Co-Cr

D-E F G Guinness Ha He-Hu J-Ki Ko-La Le-Ma

Mc-Mu N-O P R Sa-Sh Si-Su T V-Z

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