
Beer Mats Sa - Sh

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Saint Joseph Brune d'Abbaye & Blonde d'Abbaye:

possibly from Brasserie Lefebvre in Quenast, Belgium

Salvator: Strong Doppelbock brewed by Paulaner in Munich

Samuel Adams: Brewed by Boston Beer Company

Samuel Smith's: Old Brewery Pale Ale from Yokshire's oldest brewery

in Tadcaster, England

SAQ Bières: The Société des alcools du Québec, a state-owned corporation responsible for the trade of alcoholic beverages.

Schneider Weisse: Top fermented wheat beer brewed in open tanks in Kelheim, Bavaria

Scotty's Brewhouse: A chain of Indiana restaurant/pubs (not sure if they actually brew at any of their locations). Sadly, only very commercial beer mats

Seven Barrel Brewery: West Lebanon, New Hampshire

Shiner Hefeweisen: A classic unfiltered Bavarian-style wheat brew made in The Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas

Shoreline Brewery: Brewpub and restaurant with live entertainment in Michigan City, IN